Spell Book | Perfume Potion
Spell Book | Perfume Potion
Spell Book
Secrets lay in a witch's book; do you dare share this one?
Spell Book's fragrance profile is spooky sophisticated & alluring. Her edges are tinged with the memory of extinguished candle flames, dark leather & the kiss of honey-charred incense.
The Witch's Cupboard
Her pages smell of cauldron smoke,
dripping candle wax dances as she awoke.
Black chamomile flowers hang over her fire,
a well-kept secret she can admire.
Handmade pages made of coffee beans,
a drip of honey & it all steams.
Her pages smell of aged leathers,
charred perfumes write her letters.
She wraps her pages in fresh ferns,
knowing they wait for when she returns.
Blue mallow petals fall,
Beautiful gold glitter flakes call.
Listen carefully; these oakmoss vines are of the wild.
A little secret wraps her pages with a bit of style.