The devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape & pointy horns.
He comes as everything you’ve ever asked for.
The Seven of Cups suggests that those pretty images in your mind must be dealt with. You can no longer leave them in the clouds of your dreams; they must be dealt with in the world of reality. She warns you to be careful of wishful thinking & pleasing illusions in the choices you’re facing. This Gypsy is a dreamer who can see beauty & excitement as well as fearful trials to come. She urges you to stop being so caught up in your fantasies; you might never be able to move forward or decide if those dreams are worth making into a reality.
Therefore, The Seven of Cups knows dreaming is a beautiful thing & can provide inspiration for action. She also knows you must abandon your ‘castle in the sky,’ fall from the soft comfort of the sky & either lay bricks to build those castles in the real world, or if you must set those pretty floating castles on fire. Even if you are paralyzed by the choice or fearful of the road to come after you pick your path, a decision must be made. Remember, not all things are as they appear to be; move with caution.
The risk of illusion runs high with the Seven of Cups. Make sure you are taking steps to protect yourself against hazy fantasy like thinking or everlasting daydreams. She screams at you to avoid intoxication & escapism. Once you try to enact your tempting fantasies, you leave yourself open to inevitable disappointment. You’ll soon realize that vision does not work as it did in Wonderland.
The Seven of Cups may also be a wishful card. After a long stroll in the desert, you suddenly stumble upon this incredible vision. Laying at your feet are seven beautiful cups filled with sparkling crystals representing wealth, beauty, success & options to choose from. Is it an illusion? Which cup should you take? Can you walk away carrying them all? Will the weight of all seven keep you from returning from your journey? Not every cup may be filled with a positive result; a hidden snake may be curled up inside the prettiest of cups. These cups can be a mixed blessing. So, dear one, be careful what you wish for.
Temptations linger inside, making you vulnerable to being seduced by the one cup containing the poisonous snake of jealousy & cunning. Being a card from the Suit of Cups, the temptation is likely to be sexual or emotional in nature- things that seem innocent & pleasurable at the time. More times than not the vast majority of cases, the pleasure gained temporarily is far outweighed by the lasting consequences.